
Monday, October 11, 2021

September Days

Grocery shopping

Pumpkin teacakes for the Robbins.

Popcorn party on the deck.

Hunter's birthday cake.

We taught the kids to play Clue.

After the vaccine mandate.


When did she get so old?

And so pretty?

Hmm, like natural immunity?

Playing school.

Pumpkin muffins for the first day of fall.

First soup of the season


August Days

S'mores dip.

Fun at Bay Beach.

Making Grandma a birthday cake.

Eating cake with friends.


Baby turned 8.

The library briefly reopened and we took advantage.

Playing Little House on the Prairie. Eleanor was the horse, lol

She turned her barbie car into a horse pulled carriage with some pipe cleaners.

We watched Beka's wedding.

Luke learned to make mac and cheese.

Luke and I were matching.

Caroline wanted a picture too.

Caroline finished reading Little House in the Big Woods!


Kids caught reading.