
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

First day of fall

The first day of fall was 92 degree so we celebrated with pumpkin muffins and swimming at the beach.

The kids said

Caroline and I were sitting and playing with her toy animals, when Luke walked in, "Oh, I remember that game. I used to play it when I was a kid." 

Caroline, "When I grow up I want be just like you, Mama. I want hair like you, I want to talk like you.......Will I have a big nose like you too, Mama?" 

Friday, September 22, 2017

One thing is needful

I've been thinking about these verses a LOT lately, especially in regard to teaching Caroline and Luke. Homeschooling sounds super overwhelming and there is so much to teach and learn. I don't mean at all that we only teach them the Bible, but am praying that with that as our foundation that the Lord will bless all our efforts (which feel so feeble on many days).

With Jesus

This verse stood out in my reading this morning so I pulled out Matthew Henry. 
Note, Those that have been with Jesus, in converse and communion with him, have been attending on his word, praying in his name, and celebrating the memorials of his death and resurrection, should conduct themselves, in every thing, so that those who converse with them may take knowledge of them that they have been with Jesus and this makes them so holy, and heavenly, and spiritual, and cheerful this has raised them so much above this world, and filled them with another. One may know that they have been in the mount by the shining of their faces.
#matthewhenry #acts4:13
And just for the record a few short hours after sharing this I caught myself yelling at the kids, and in general responding poorly to difficulties. Sigh. I caught myself and bit my tongue :-(

Headache update

This is what life can look like when mommy has a migraine. "Guggles" and a show on the couch so mommy can rest in between jobs.
Sadly, no real improvement. I quit the progesterone since it wasn't helping, it wasn't cheap, and I didn't like the side effects, so I'm not really taking any migraine meds at this time. I have a few Relpax and Sumatriptan left which honesly don't help much, and I sometimes take some ketoralac and promethazine, but that doesn't help much either. Lately I've been having problems with dizziness and fainting during headaches, and by evening on headache days I am falling asleep on the couch!

Monday, September 11, 2017


Yesterday's sermon left me feeling like this. So thankful for the gospel, for a pastor who preaches it, and that the Lord has given me the desire to hear it!