
Monday, July 29, 2013

Cave of the Mounds

On Saturday we took a day trip to the Cave of the Mounds in Mount Horeb, WI. Here's Caroline, and her puppy, all ready to go. If you wonder why she is wearing long sleeves in July - it was only in the 50s that day!

The only picture I got outside the caves. There were beautiful flower gardens that I wish I had gotten some pictures of too.

Pretty WI scenery.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Diapers and vegetables

This is a common sight around here - I love my clothesline and have diapers out on the line three times a week. I've been doing a lot of diaper research these past few days trying to decide what I want to add to my stash for night time diapers. I'm trying to decide between bamboo pockets, or getting some hemp doublers for my diaper covers. And whichever choice I make I think we'll probably need to add more inserts too. I found an awesome deal for 24 new Kawaii bamboo pockets for $120 on ebay (from the store I got the pockets I own and like now), too bad we don't need that many!
A cornbread salad I made for dinner tonight. It's the first time I've made one so I hope it's good :-). Speaking of salad, I picked the first tomato from the garden today!  
We've been getting LOTS of squash lately and I recently started a zuchinni board on pinterest. So far everything has been good, but I think the chocolate zucchini cake I took to prayer meeting on Wednesday was the most popular! Speaking of prayer meeting, Caroline and I had so much fun skying with friends at GPC after the service :-)

Caroline's morning

Sleeping in her new bed. Somehow she always manages to move so her head is up against the side of the bed! This is her morning 'catnap' after getting up at 6-7ish, then having some Daddy time and her breakfast before starting her day.


Everything goes in the mouth these days!

All dressed!

Good morning!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A new blog.....

Recently I decided it was time to start a new blog. I really enjoyed my last blog, and have missed writing, but that one was like another chapter of  life that is now over so it seemed the time had come for a new one. Plus I also wanted a more private place to share pictures and updates from our family and day to day to life, both for my friends and family that are all so far away, and for me to have all that stuff in one place :-). As I have time and a better internet connection I hope to import the family posts from my last blog.......In the meantime I hope to do a better job of keeping this one updated :-).
By the way the name came from back before we were married when John used to tease me about living up in 'the Northwoods!'

And since I said is Caroline's most recent picture. She finally got big enough to use the exersaucer she was given at her baby shower and she loves it! She's such a busy girl now. When she's awake she wants to be doing something. I can't believe how big she is getting! Yesterday I took her in for her 3 month check up and she was 16 pounds 12 oz, and 25 inches long! She's growing up too fast! We had a fun morning together on a 'Caroline and Mama adventure'. Normally trips to town mean going to the grocery store, or maybe Fleet farm so it was fun to see my midwife, then go to the baby consignment store that's right by the hospital, and make a library trip. A nice change of routine, made nicer by the fact that Caroline finally seems to be outgrowing her need to have a meltdown when we come after errands :-). That makes life a lot easier!