
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Rummage sale find

Yay, I've been looking for a rocking chair/glider for the babies' room for awhile now and just ran across this one at a rummage sale this morning for $5. The others I've see have been closer to $50! I know the cushions are UGLY, but I'm sure we can find something nicer to replace them. The prettier glider we already have can move into the living room and I'll have two comfy places to nurse and rock babies

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Baby or ball

Caroline is very amused by my growing stomach so today I tried once again to explain that there is a baby in there. She patted it, said baby a time or two.....then shook her head, patted it again and announced, "ball, ball."

Friday, August 8, 2014


Helping me with my baking. And I'm pretty sure it took longer to get the kitchen and Caroline cleaned up than actually cooking!We made a birthday cake for Hunter and zucchini brownies.


This is what Caroline does when I take showers. She is so into books right now! I need to take more frequent breaks to sit down during the day now that's I'm getting bigger and as soon as I sit down she is at my side with a book.

26 weeks

Monday, August 4, 2014

ABC favorites

Caroline's current favorite book. I think we all have it memorized.

Our little girl loves to read

Reading books, sitting in a big box I recently got an order of diapers in - all paid for with swagbucks :-)

Friday, August 1, 2014

Blueberry muffins

These were so yummy! I had some plain yogurt that was on the 'edge' so I used that to make our sour cream coffee cake recipe, then added berries and baked in muffin pans. So good!