
Friday, May 30, 2014

And so it begins.....

What our home looked like.

The beginning of the addition project that we've been talking about since January.

Digging the hole.

Watching the digging.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

16 weeks

I didn't get a picture this week, and am mainly posting because I wanted to record the fact I felt my first *real* kicks this week. With Caroline it was at 17 weeks. I'm still mostly managing with my regular clothes, but getting bigger, nausea is mostly gone, unless if I try to swallow a pill, and so far no migraines this week. My main symptoms this week have been tiredness (wait, that's been the whole pregnancy) and an achy back, but overall am doing well.

I was excited to have this video shared with me by a friend this week. I'm hoping to baby wear this little one in my Ergo and was pleased to see there are options other than buying and expensive infant insert!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Praying for our children

"O Lord our God, the God of the spirits of all flesh! All souls are thine, the souls of the parents and the souls of the children are thine, and thou hast grace sufficient for both.
Thou wast our fathers’ God, and as such we will exalt thee; thou art our children’s God, and also we will plead with thee, for the promises to us and our children; and thou art a God in covenant with believers and their seed.
Lord, it is thy good providence that hath built us up into a family: We thank thee for the children thou hast graciously given thy servants; the Lord, who has blessed us with them, make them blessings indeed to us, that we may never be tempted to wish we had been childless.
We lament the iniquity which our children are conceived and born in, and that corrupt nature which they derive through our loins.
But we bless thee that there is a fountain opened for their cleansing from that original pollution, and that they were betimes by baptism dedicated to thee, and admitted into the bonds, and under the blessings, of thy covenant; that they are born in thy house and taken in as members of thy family upon earth.
It is a comfort to us to think that they are baptized, and we humbly desire to plead it with thee. They are thine; save them; enable them, as they become capable, to make it their own act and deed, to join themselves unto the Lord, that they may be owned as thine in that day when thou makest up thy jewels.
Give them a good capacity of mind and a good disposition, make them towardly and tractable and willing to receive instruction; incline them betimes to religion and virtue. Lord, give them wisdom and understanding, and drive out the foolishness that is bound up in their hearts.
Save them from the vanity which childhood and youth are subject to, and fit them every way to live comfortably and usefully in this world. We ask not for great things in this world for them; give them, if it please thee, a strong and healthy constitution of body, preserve them from all ill accidents, and feed them with food convenient for them, according to their rank.
But the chief thing we ask of God for them is that thou wilt pour thy Spirit upon our seed, even thy blessing, that blessing of blessings, upon our offspring, that they may be a seed to serve thee, which shall be accounted unto the Lord for a generation: Give them that good part which never shall be taken away from them.
Give us wisdom and grace to bring them up in thy fear, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, with meekness and tenderness, and having them in subjection with all gravity. Teach us how to teach them the things of God as they are able to bear them, and how to reprove and admonish, and when there is need, to correct them in a right manner, and how to set them good examples of every thing that is virtuous and praiseworthy, that we may recommend religion to them, and so train them up in the way wherein they should go, that if they live to be old, they may not depart from it.
Keep them from the snare of evil company and all the temptations to which they are exposed, and make them betimes sensible how much it is their interest, as well as their duty, to be religious; and, Lord, grant that none who come of us may come short of eternal life or be found on the left hand of Christ in the great day.
We earnestly pray that Christ may be formed in their souls betimes, and that the seeds of grace may be sown in their hearts while they are young, and we may have the satisfaction of seeing them walking in the truth and setting their faces heavenwards. Give them now to hear counsel and receive instruction, that they may be wise in their latter end; and if they be wise, our hearts shall rejoice, even ours.
Prosper the means of their education; let our children be taught of the Lord, that great may be their peace: And give them so to know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent, as may be life eternal to them.
O that they may betimes get wisdom and get understanding and never forget it. As far as they are taught the truth as it is in Jesus, give them to continue in the things which they have learned.
It is our heart’s desire and prayer that our children may be praising God on earth when we are gone to praise him in heaven, and that we and they may be together for ever, serving him day and night in his temple.
If it should please God to remove any of them from us while they are young, let us have grace submissively to resign them to thee, and let us have hope in their death.
If thou remove us from them while they are young, be thou thyself a Father to them, to teach them and provide for them, for with thee the fatherless findeth mercy.
Thou knowest our care concerning them, we cast it upon thee; ourselves and ours we commit to thee. Let not the light of our family religion be put out with us, nor that treasure be buried in our graves, but let those that come after us do thee more and better service in their day than we have done in ours, and be unto thee for a name and a praise.
In these prayers we aim at thy glory. Father, let thy name be sanctified in our family, there let thy kingdom come and thy will be done by us and ours, as it is done by the angels in heaven; for Christ Jesus’ sake, our blessed Saviour and Redeemer, whose seed shall endure forever, and his throne as the days of heaven. Now to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that great and sacred name, into which we and our children were baptized, be honour and glory, dominion and praise, henceforth and forever. Amen."
Matthew Henry

We have a church sign

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Wild asparagus

John, Caroline, and I took a walk down one of the county highways this afternoon and picked this growing wild in the ditches! It was such a such a busy day, we had breakfast at The Woods (had a coupon :-)), got plants for the garden, and I made potato salad, tuna salad, white bean salad, put chicken in a marinade, made tzatziki sauce, and a strawberry rhubarb crisp, then cleaned up the kitchen from making all that! I'm thankful my migraine has backed off enough to let me get all that done. And no, all that food isn't for today, some is for church, and some for Memorial day.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Happinesss is.....

....finding unexpected good deals and bargains. Sometimes it's the little things.....Like yesterday when Caroline and I finished the grocery shopping earlier than expected so we decided to run into Goodwill and check the maternity clothes. As usual they were all kind of nasty, ugly, and expensive, $6 for a very used, worn looking t shirt? I don't think so. I've only once found something nice and reasonably priced on that rack! But we decided to check the sale rack and for the first time ever found maternity things on it. I found two cute shirts and spent $3! I was pretty happy about that :-). Now I'm pretty much all set for summer. All I need are some long sleeve shirts since I don't have any, but I have time for that.

Then today we were out on our afternoon walk and someone down the road was having a garage sale. Of course I went to investigate and found five plates from set of china (china royal blue willoware) for $5. That's an amazing deal, just check out ebay to see what it normally goes for. So I was quite pleased :-). It's nice when the Lord provides unexpected blessings!

A wonderful thing....

A wonderful thing happened a couple weeks ago. It all started with me having a day where I felt somewhat energetic for the first time in weeks. So I decided to attack my kitchen which had only had maintenance cleaning since I got pregnant and scrubbed all the cabinets and my china that is on display in the kitchen. Somehow in all the climbing up and down while doing all that I pulled a muscle in my hip and by evening was just hobbling around. When it was time for bed I could barely get myself in bed and realized there was no way I was going to be able to lift Caroline in with me to nurse her in the middle of the night. We had already cut back to only one feeding a night. She usually got up about three times, but the other times I would just tuck her back in and tell her it was "sleepy time". So that night she was told it was "sleepy time" every time she got up. Much to my surprise she took it fine and went right back to sleep. The next night was more of a challenge with her up every hour, but I chose not to feed her not wanting to lose the ground I'd gained the night before. And since we made it through that one rough night she has woken maybe once a night and is easy to settle back down. Many of those nights she has slept all the way through till morning! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to go to bed knowing that I shouldn't have to get up again till morning! Bliss....And, yeah, I know, it's only for a few months, but let me enjoy it while it lasts :-). Oh, and my hip was fine within a couple days so all ended well :-).

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Caroline is thrilled that it is now warm enough to play outside most days! It's her favorite thing to do and the minute she wakes from a nap she starts asking for her shoes.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Caroline's phone

A dream came true for Caroline today - she gets mama's old phone as her very own!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

15 weeks

I'm 15 weeks today and definitely look pregnant! At least I think I do :-). I've gained 7 pounds, but am still in my regular clothes. This was a very rough week with five days of pregnancy migraines. Somehow we got though it with Caroline being kept alive, dinner on the table every night, and clean clothes for all of us to wear, but wow, I'll take throwing up nausea over the migraines any day :-(. I was thankful that John took Caroline for lots of outside time so I could rest in the evenings, and he took her to church on Wed evening giving me a nice long break :-). The baby is definitely moving around, I can feel it, and we go to SEE it on a Vscan at my last appointment since my midwife wanted to make sure there was just one in there. Thankfully there was, LOL. Overall we're both doing well, and hopefully the chiropractor can help prevent future migraines.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

13 weeks

Here I am at 13 weeks! Just this week I started to pop out, before now I wasn't showing at all. The nausea is finally starting to go away now, I mainly just feel sick in the evenings and I'm doing a better job at staying awake. I *think* I've felt the baby move a couple times, but it's so hard to be sure before you feel real kicks, or it just gets more frequent. Overall I'm thankful to say that we're both doing well.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Doll stroller

One of Caroline's favorite toys, the stroller she got from Grandma for her birthday. And of course, Baby.