
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Two months old!

Luke was 15 pounds 8.5 oz and 24.5 inches at his 2 month check up.

Luke and Caroline each at two months old.

Friday, January 16, 2015

January days....

Someone loves to suck on his fist

This reminds me so much of pictures of myself as a toddler.

With my babies.

With my babies.


I set Luke down for a minute to check on dinner and turned around to see this.

Being entertained by the ceiling fan. It keeps him happy way longer than the bouncer does. Seriously, I cleaned the whole bathroom yesterday while he watched it!

Caroline watches everything I do with Luke and tries to mimic it in caring for her babies. Here is her attempt at giving Baby "tummy time" in the boppy. Lol.

Time to wake up for church.
Hot chocolate.


I love how he keeps his hand on his cheek when he sleeps.
Caroline is obsessed with brushing teeth right now. Here she is brushing Daddy's with a saw. She also uses wooden spoons, combs, etc.

Using a sweatshirt to clean his face after brushing.

Little "Duke"
(poor child's nickname comes from his big sister)
all dressed for church.