
Monday, March 25, 2019

Done with diapers

Just a quick post for my records to state the happy fact that we are done buying diapers! Luke has  been staying dry at night for awhile now and officially switched to wearing underwear at night. Yay

Saturday, March 2, 2019

February days


We played at the library a lot due to cabin fever.

Pizza and Tangled on a Friday night.

February toes.

Sunday afternoon Bible trivia.

Markers, markers everywhere.

I got a fun surprise package from my aunts today! A lovely quilt they made, a blue and white bowl that used to be Grammy's, that came from Williamsburg, and a fun little blank book. ❤ It's good to be remembered, and to have special things to remember others by ❤.

For the first time in almost seven years of marriage we played a game of checkers. 😄

Good morning from Wisconsin!
The snow is now higher than the bottom of the window. Will it ever end? Will the whole window end up being covered? It's a mystery, only time will tell. #wisconsinwinter

February school

Between numbers!

Me after a day of school, lol.

Caroline drew this and phonetically wrote the caption all on her own! 😄 "Gaston and his band drink beer."

Something I love about modern technology- being able to print out semi educational activities for the kids on whatever subject is the current favorite!

Caroline and the Ten Commandments.

Apparently Caroline is into bronzer, lol.