
Thursday, July 30, 2015

New swing

I found this swing on one of the local facebook bst pages and was so happy to get it. No more holding a crabby Duke while pushing Caroline, and taking turns. Now they can swing together and they love it! Mom does too. They're contained and happy.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Working on #8

Homemade frappucinos

On Saturday Caroline and I made homemade frappuccinos which Caroline loved, and I thought were pretty good, but want to tweak the recipe a little next time. Definitely use less sugar! We did use decaf coffee. Caroline gets so excited about any kind of sweet drink since she normally just has water or milk. Then we had about one serving left on Sunday and no dessert so we added a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream, blended again and basically had homemade frosties, except much more chocolatey. It was delicious and I was happy to come up with an easy last minute dessert that doesn't need the oven!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Firsts and random children stuff

Luke kind of crawled a bit for the first time last night on the couch while we were reading the Bible. He also likes to crawl on our bed after a diaper change, but has zero interest in doing it on the floor.

Caroline said Caroline the right way for the first time yesterday. Normally she says, "Iayine."

Caroline just finished her lunch, handed me her empty plate and asked for more, "I think I probably hungry today, Mama."

Caroline's new thing is to come give me hugs and say,"I love you, Mama. "

Saturday, July 18, 2015

8 months old

8 months old today! He has 7 teeth, is just under 22 pounds, is 29 inches long, and is starting to say mama.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Caroline said. ...

I asked her why her eyes were closed while swinging.
"I think I a little nervous."

Mama said no to something.
Tears, "I think I need my daddy."

Driving home from church, "My dink no work anymore."
Upon checking it, "That's because you drank it all, Caroline."
Tears, "I think I need more dink."
"It's ok Caroline, we'll get you more. You don't need to cry."
Caroline, "I think I probably no need to cry anymore."

After getting being sent to her crib for an attitude adjustment when she was done crying and I went to get her, "I sorry, Mama. I sorry I cry, I no cry anymore."
That was her first apology with no prompting and completely melted my heart.


I took both kids out by myself for the first time to the library last week. Due to planning ahead, taking a stroller, putting purse necessities in the diaper bag giving me only one bag to carry, our trip was a success. Both kids had a lot of fun and I was relieved to finally have accomplished it! We'll have to go again soon because when I got Caroline up from her nap yesterday I was greeted by, "Hard baby wants to go to library. Hard baby wants to play trains. Please, please!" So I promised her we'd go again one day soon.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bouncy Duke

This little boy's favorite thing to do is bounce. He knows the word and all you have to do is say,"Bouncy Duke," and he takes off bouncing wherever he happens to be.


Sprinkles aka crayons are Caroline's new favorite to be added to desserts, 'cancakes,' and 'hutmeal.'

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June days

Dressed for church.
When you turn your back on the toddler and a stick of butter.
Shopping at Menards.

Sandwiches for dinner.
Attacking big brother.
Hanging out while I change sheets. He loves to sit up now!
I have never seen such a smiley baby!
Too rainy to take a walk, discovering Caillou.
From the garden.
helping make potatoes for dinner, Caroline has her own potato and knife.
Dr. Caroline.
Checking ears.
Dukie at church.
New outfit from Grandma.
Playing with her cycle.
First lawn mower ride.
This is one way to get the bathroom cleaned.
Playtime before our anniversary date.
Normal activities - Dukie laughing and Caroline putting Baby down for a nap.
Time to wake up.
Milky face boy.
First bun.
Hanging out while we clean up dinner.
Watching Caillou while I get dinner on the table.
Build your own salads for dinner!