
Thursday, October 25, 2018

To infinity and beyond

We use the phrase, "To infinity and beyond," all the time with Caroline and Luke, so this seemed like an appropriate addition to their room.


I still get a lot of migraines. I was talking with someone recently and mentioned that I have a migraine for a week every month. They were like, you mean about one quarter of your life?! Wow, I never really thought about it that way but, yes.

On my heart

I follow a lot of different mom blogs, moms on social media, etc and it is interesting to me how everyone has certain things that are important to them in their parenting. For example, "My kid will be rear facing and in a five point harness till they are 7," or "My kid will never eat sugar," or "No screen time for my kids," and on and on......And of course there is nothing wrong with car seat safety, good nutrition, and guarding what our kids see, BUT I would love to see more parents prioritizing their childrens' souls. Take them to worship every week, have family worship, teach them Bible verses and catechism. There's nothing more important, and I trust that the Lord will bless those kind of priorities!

Thoughts, quotes, books, random brain dump from September


September school days

Caroline spelled these by herself!

Luke finally can trace letters!