
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

January days

Watching Owlegories

Cozy sweaters.

I was thinking about Michelle William's speech as I put on my mom necklace this morning and imagined choosing to take away one of these names, destroy that little life (or lives), so I could have more time for myself. 😢 What is wrong with people that so many of us would applaud that?

Guys from church shooting party.

The party of kids playing together in the nursery at #applevalleychurch after worship just keeps growing. I couldn't fit them all in the camera! Best of all, they all helped clean up with a good attitude. 🙂 I'm #thankful our kids have little friends at church! ❤

We had a play date with Asher and Abigail!

This boy. He just finished a big dinner of chicken, potatoes, and salad. Then he went to Grandma's for a "dessert" of pretzels, and now it's time for a snack of apples. #alwayseating

Caroline had her first dentist appointment today and she did great! So did Luke, but I wasn't with him, so no pictures. #nocavities

January school

Caroline started journaling this month.


First time writing a letter!

January quotes, thoughts, books

Sometimes life feels like this, so many voices, all telling us the "right way" to do everything. How to parent, how to homeschool, what to believe, what to buy, or not buy, at the grocery store, how much screen time to allow, and on and on.....I don't know about you, but for me it can get overwhelming and exhausting. So I appreciated being reminded, in our sermon on Sunday about our freedom in Christ, which then reminded me of something encouraging @risenmotherhood said awhile back -
"We're women that are pursuing a different kind of motherhood than what the world offers—we're striving for a "risen motherhood." One that knows we're not measured by our performance and perfection, but measured by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, who laid down his life to give us ours.
This type of motherhood brings freedom. Freedom from needing to get it all right, to having to have the perfect children, or from wanting to live a certain kind of lifestyle. It's the kind that knows we can mess up and fail, yet still approach the throne of the Lord Almighty with confidence. It's the kind that pursues obedience, not to earn love, but because we know we're already loved far more than we deserve. It's the kind that rests our identity in our Savior, so we can offer our husbands, children, and families the same grace we've been shown."

January chalkboards