
Friday, October 31, 2014

My swagbucks stash

Ever since I got pregnant I've been working hard to earn as many swagbucks as I can, making my daily goal as often as I can and cashing in for Amazon and PayPal gift cards. Everything but 2 small packages of diapers in this picture was paid for with swagbucks! One pack was a gift, another I got for less than 10 cents on the local Facebook garage sale page. Pictured are diapers for Caroline and baby,  2 big packages of wipes refills, and nursing pads. Not pictured, benadryl,  diaper rash cream, crib sheets,  magnesium supplements,  prenatals, and 7 pocket diapers.

Caroline's new plate

Every crumb gets eaten when you have a big girl plate!  I really like these sturdy re-play plates I found on amazon.

First snow of the year

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Just another day...

Two for the freezer and one for dinner!

My little helper. Because sitting and reading nicely definitely qualifies as helping when you're a toddler.

I put on a movie for Caroline while I was changing sheets and this is what I found when I checked on her a few minutes later.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Saturday at home....

We had a gorgeous day which involved a lot of playing outside.

I was craving chocolate....

First lawn mower ride.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

37 weeks

Pregnancy cravings.....
37 weeks. This week was my most "exciting," but not in a good way prenatal appointment. I haven't grown in 3 weeks so we scheduled an ultra sound to make sure little guy is growing and doing ok....

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Butter prices

Yay! This brightened my day. Butter has dropped from 3.49 to 2.99.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Reading in bed

36 weeks

36 weeks. And you can tell I'm big, pregnant, and very uncomfortable because I'm sitting with my feet up ignoring the mess of toys in the room.

Eating with a spoon

Caroline loves getting to eat with a bowl and spoon. And she loves a snack of plain unsweetened yogurt!

Monday, October 6, 2014

18 months old!

I can not believe my baby is 18 months old and that she won't be the baby for much longer......

Little Red Riding Hood

Hunter took Caroline outside to get her stroller for our Sunday afternoon/evening walk and this is what John and I found when we came out :-). Btw we call this coat, "Little Red Riding Hood."

Caroline's movies

These are Caroline's favorite movies that she asks to watch ALL the time. This one gets called "baa haha." I assume it's because it begins with sheep and has stuff in it that she thinks is funny. But anyways it's hilarious to be asked, "baa haha," as she points at the tablet. But I'm thankful for Baby Einstein allowing me to get meals cooked,sometimes do computer work, etc, etc. And she's learned to count to 4, and tons of animal names and sounds from them  as well :-)

  This is her second favorite movie which she calls, "dubba dubba." Just listen to a little of the music and you can hear where she is coming from :-)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

At Dr. Brooks

Caroline rearranged the chiropractor's office while we were waiting for my appointment. She loves moving and setting things up her way :-)