
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Playing at the library

When the weather isn't very nice on Saturday it's fun to go to the library and play. Caroline loves the trains!
Dukie playing.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

9 months old

What trying to get a nine month picture of Luke looks like.......The boy never stops moving, he can go forwards as well as backwards now, and get all around the room. No more leaving the stairs door open! He still only says, Mama, and ummm, is very demanding that he wants food at dinner, but really doesn't eat much yet. He fed himself for the first time with some cut up grapes and bananas and it pretty much all ended up in his lap. We're starting to doubt our original assessment of his personality, that he is going to be laid back! He HATES being bossed by Caroline, and has very definite ideas of what he wants. The only time he is still and snuggly is when he's sleepy and nursing. He is still a thumb sucker, it goes in his mouth whenever he is tired or hungry, or when I pick him up.  Did I mention he is never still?!


I am really not very good at decorating, but I knew I wanted a mirror to put in the entry way so was happy to find this one at Goodwill.
The hall bathroom has had NO decorations at all for almost a year.......but last week I found a set of three framed prints that matched the colors of the shower curtain and rug I chose! So it's been almost a year, but I've gotten a couple things done in these two rooms. Other ideas I have are adding a welcome sign, and maybe a decorative C, but we'll see....

Camo Duke

Monday, August 17, 2015

Caroline said

Trying to get Baby settled in the swing so she could push her and try as she might, she couldn't get it the way she wanted. Finally broke down, "I think I having issues!"

After playing outside with Hunter, "Hunter no listens to me. He needs to listen!"

"I a big girl just like Daddy and Hunter!"

"Look a ridercycle!" (A motorcycle).

"Want to schuggle, Mama?" (Snuggle).

"I got a wowie." (Owie).

Monday, August 10, 2015

Luke said. .

It may be a little early to start these posts for Luke, but I want to remember how when he wants to nurse he says, "Mama,  ummmm," it's so cute.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Caroline said.....

"I think I probably need to stop crying, maybe."
While crying after being told no.

When I a leetle beeger (bigger).
About anything she hopes to do in the future when older.

"I dropped Baby. I think I feeling sad."

While taking a walk we see a man walking a dog,
 "I see a daddy. It's not my daddy. I have my own daddy at home."

"Tummy getting full."
At meals when she's getting full.

 "I think I probably need to take a bath. 
I think I probably need more clothes, maybe."
After dripping a little yogurt on her shorts.

"I no eat dirt. 
I eat food AND lunch."
Which asks the question, what do I feed her for lunch? LOL.

Matching outfits

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

First pigtails

Duke is on the move

He's not truly crawling yet, but he's scooting around enough that he gets himself into trouble, and we need to keep the door to the stairs closed! He gets up on all fours and rocks all the time though so I think he'll be crawling for real soon!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

July days

Matching toes.
I found a big bag of play food at Goodwill.
First zucchini.
Caroline's cookbook.
Very pleased with himself.
Sitting on her cycle.
Sucking his thumb and holding his gun!
Getting Caroline up from her nap.
Chubby Duke.

After nap time snack.
Dukie's treasure he even slept with for a few nights. Then he kind of lost interest.
I a big helper girl.
blueberry pie.
Veggie pizza.
Duke loves banana. Otherwise he has almost no interest in food so far.
A Caillou library book!
He went straight from dinner into the bathtub! And just for the record that night was our first poop in the tub incident. Fun times....
New hat.
My redneck summer kitchen.
Wearing Grandma's glasses.
zucchini fritters.