
Monday, July 25, 2016

New Bookcase

Months ago John and I decided that a bookcase would be perfect for this spot in the living room. The cabinet is for the printer.
I'm not very good at setting up and decorating. For now we just put stuff on it and will "tweak" later.
I also organized the kids' room and their books.

Lord's day morning

All dressed for church. "Mama, take a picture!"

Reading books before church. Happiness is when everyone is dressed, fed, and the dishes are done, and there are a few extra minutes left to read!

My outfit, a new maxi skirt from a walmart sale with free shipping :-)
A new haircut.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Caroline said

"No Dukie, this game is for grown ups. I'm a grown up so I can play it."

Caroline likes to eat what she calls, "Bubble Plums." The rest of the world calls them plums, lol.

After getting the priviledge of putting our tithe in the basket at church, "Wow! That was exciting. Someday when you are a grown up too, you can do that, Dukie!"

Monday, July 18, 2016

20 months old

 My baby is turning into a big boy, though he still assures me that he is Mama's baby :-). Luke talks so well now, in sentences, although some of his words are hard to tell apart. This month we completely gave up the morning nap, and even a morning quiet time, so have been playing around with the morning schedule trying to see what works, and the best way to get everything done. We also dropped his morning nursing session at the same time. We still have crib time while mom showers, and then they play/help me with morning work. After lunch I play with them till nap time, either outside, or in the playroom, and sometimes we do a playing bath. Afternoons vary depending on how long naps are, what time Daddy gets home, whether Hunter needs to be picked up, etc. After dinner is family worship, then family time, usually play outside. Sometimes we go to the library or park. At 7ish Dukie has his "muk", aka he nurses! Then he always asks to "guggle" (snuggle) so we rock and snuggle for awhile before he goes down to bed. Caroline gets her screen time while we do that so everyone is happy :-)
 Luke is starting to show that he pays attention when we teach manners. That is always encouraging! 
Last night at dinner Caroline announced she needed more drink.
John said, "You need what?" waiting for her to add on the word please.
Luke pipes up, "More drink please!" to remind her, lol.
Then Luke asked me to clip a fingernail. After I did it, he said, "Thank you, Mama!" with no prompting.

Luke is 20 months old now! I tried, but I couldn't get him to smile for me.
He likes this car his uncle Caleb made for him!

Dukie treasures

Luke has almost always had some kind of treasure that he carries around and is his comfort object, but it changes regularly.

That toy egg in my son's hand? Its name is Ball, and it has basically become a 3rd child I have to keep track of. He takes it everywhere, sleeps with it, and if it gets misplaced Mama has problems till she finds it again. Someone should invent Gps trackers to attach to kid's special treasures.

For awhile he carried this toy syringe everywhere.

He's taken many naps with a toy shovel.
When he is outside he carries this soccer ball around, and he loves to swing and hold it. We have to find it before he will even get in the swing.
Thumper is probably his most "normal" treasure, but since it talks with no off switch I won't let him sleep with it.
He always has to sleep with this "baaki" that Grandma made for Caroline too!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

My Helper

Caroline loves to help in the kitchen which is challenging for me,because I would much rather work on my own, and do things my way. But teaching her is part of my job, so it is an exercise in patience for me. And for the record, she usually does a great job. She is careful and thorough. I have no doubt she will be a big help once she is a little older. Yesterday she beat up a dozen eggs for me for scrambled eggs, and did the job perfectly. I wouldn't have done better! She also likes to help make salad, put chopped veggies in a pan or bowl as I cut, stir things, help set and clear the table, and I've given her the job of putting the silverware away out of the dishwasher. She, and Luke are very good at picking up toys too.


Having fun.
Luke called them chock chock.
Caroline said it was chocolate and mushrooms.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Caroline said

Luke, "'mon, 'mon," (aka come on).
John "Where are we going?"
Luke, "Don't know."
Caroline, "We're going crazy!"

The moment when you hear your three year old practicing her catechism question, "What is God?" in the next room without any prompting.....AND getting every word right <3 (except for replacing the word being with beating,

When we go somewhere, or she is having her video time before bed, Caroline will constantly ask what time it is, how much time do I have left. It can be a little annoying, but when she does this she is being a mini me. I always want to know that too. I don't like surprises.

While talking about making s'mores this weekend, "We're going to have chocolate and mushrooms!"

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Potty training adventures

                Day one of potty training. Pray for me. From my instagram on June 27th. I had planned to wait till Caroline wanted to potty train since everyone had told me it would be easier that way. But she was adamant she didn't want to so finally I just picked a date and said we are doing it.

This is what your bathroom looks like when you are potty training. We're on day 3 now and so far so good! I'm doing diapers at nap and bed time, but underwear the rest of the time and no accidents yet. However I have to be very on top of asking her and putting her on the potty because so far she has not told me when she needs to go.

This little girl is on day 4 of potty training and still no accidents! Today she announced, "I have to go," put herself on the toilet and went! She's also learned to put her panties on herself. Still waiting on a poop (sorry if tmi!), but it is going better than I had hoped :-)

Potty training is a family affair apparently. This was after church on Sunday. We put a pull up on her for church, but no accidents anyway!
Caroline wore a pull up to the parade, but no accidents again, she waited to go till we got home. She now lets us know when she has to go. This evening she did her first poop on the potty! A whole week with no accidents! I consider her to be day trained, and at this point I am not worrying about naps and bed. When she starts waking up dry we will try to take that step. Bu t for now, I am pleased and thankful!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Fourth of July Parade

John and I took the kids to Waupaca Fourth of July parade this morning and we had so much fun! Here we are waiting on Main street waiting for the parade to begin.
Luke had so much fun! The marks on his face are from a battle he lost with the deck stairs on Saturday.
So excited!
They loved picking up the candy that was thrown and eating it!
Dukie wearing some beads he was thrown :-)
"Ahhhh broom broom!!!!!!"
Caroline was so excited when someone in the parade gave her a flag!
Cutest little girl in the world!
Baby watched too :-)
All ready to go to the Waupaca parade. I had us all coordinated so we had to get a picture
The kids brought home quite a bit of candy, beads, and a flag. Not to mention the candy they ate since I was in "fun mom" mode this morning and not worrying about sugar, or getting dirty

Friday, July 1, 2016

June days

                    Driving into a big storm.

Smoked chicken.
Those eyes, I see me in this picture.

A bucket of water, some bottles, a sponge, and toy animals make me a fun mom today. The best part? She is playing independently. My extrovert daughter never wants to do anything by herself which can frustrate her introverted mom at times!

Duke and Melmo.
A rainbow after a storm.
A new pool.

Caroline and I snuggled in bed and read books after her nap this afternoon.

My kitchen helpers.

When I cut a popsicle open I also accidentally cut my palm open too. When it was still bleeding after naps I went in and had it checked. After being super glued together, I was told I get to wear this very cute splint for a few days to keep me from using the hand. Fun! But seriously, I'm glad it wasn't hurt worse.

Watching a video of big brother shooting.

What can I say, poor Dukie.

My kids love whipped cream, and they love breakfast for dinner! Waffles, peaches, cream, and eggs!

So today started out with all kinds of plans for baking and cooking since the forecast was cooler. Until I sliced my thumb open while putting potatoes in the crock pot for dinner. I ended up coming in for a cut hand for the second time in a week :-(. The nurse told me I should stop using knives and give them to the kids to do all my chopping for me. Sigh, I have issues.