
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Grocery shopping

Caroline loves to go shopping!

Visiting the Library

One of Caroline's favorite things to do is go play at the library! I try to make a little extra time for it whenever we go into town as it makes a nice change of scenery for both of us. Sometimes there are other babies to play with and moms to visit with which is even more fun!

My little reader :-)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


 Caroline has turned into quite the talker! So far she says Daddy, Mama, baby, book, bird, magnet, spoon, yes, no, ball, diaper, poop (sorry tmi), please, cup, all done, and probably more that I can't remember just now. She also gives hugs all the time and goes, "awwww.....," as she hugs :-) She's getting to be such a big girl!