
Monday, July 28, 2014

Garden veggies

I think we'll have green beans and zucchini with dinner tonight.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

25 weeks

Sorry, I never got around to a picture this week :-(. But here are a few thoughts and comments I got......

You know you are starting to look very pregnant when random people are brave enough to ask when you are due, or when the guys in front of you in the buffet line at KFC make you go first, or best of all when you are encouraging your daughter for eating a good dinner and telling her she will have a round tummy after eating all that and get told by your older child,"Stef, you're already round." Sigh. Or, when you are out shopping and are asked when you are due - then when told November they are shocked by how big you are already. LOL, sigh.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

24 weeks

Think I'll caption this with "feeling huge", heartburn, and headaches. A good summary of week 24!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

22 weeks

I never got a picture of the bump this week mainly because I had headaches almost all week long. The biggest news this week was finding out that our little one is a boy! 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


This is Caroline's new thing. All she wants to do when we go outside is go up and down the ladder over and over and over again......

Then she decided to try this....


21 weeks

Well we've made it to 21 weeks so I probably don't have much more than 20 weeks to go. By the way this one of the bargain rack t shirts I found. No headaches this week! However I continue to be surprised by how many symptoms I have already that I didn't have with Caroline till I was 30+ weeks. It's definitely been pretty uncomfortable, but I'm keeping pretty active between taking a long walk every day, Caroline, and the garden, housework, and did I mention Caroline? This baby is quite active and if it comes out as busy as it's big sister, wow. Things will be a little crazy around here :-). The other thing that's going on this week is lots of sinus pain, I don't know if it's pregnancy related, or allergies. Next week, my ultrasound!

Homemade cookies

We had a high of 72 yesterday so I did a big baking including some peanut butter cookies.