
Monday, June 6, 2016

"Me time"

A Monday morning walk.

This is how I attempt to stay in shape. Lugging this wagon with kids in it that easily equal half of my weight for a mile around the subdivision. The kids love it!

A beautiful cool, breezy day in the neighborhood.
Lately I have really been trying to make time for some "me time." Hopefully not in a selfish way, but in a  doing things that help me to be a better mom the rest of the time kind of way!. It's soo nice now that Luke sleeps through the night, so I can stay awake most of the time in the evenings, and wake up earlier in the mornings. Sadly too many mornings I wake with a bad headache, but if I am well enough I try very hard to read my Bible with my first cup of coffee. Just one chapter these days where I have less time. Someday I'm sure I'll go back to reading more. John always gets up earlier than me to have some quiet time himself so he will often get the kids up for me which gives me a few minutes, and is a blessing.
Another thing I am trying hard to do is take a walk most days. I feel so much better when I get some exercise, and I want to continue to fit into my size 6 jeans, lol. If my back cooperates I like to take the kids on a walk, or a few times a week John and I are taking a walk after the kids go to bed (a blessing of having my mil live with us, that we can leave like that!)
Nap time is my computer time. Once they are too old for naps I still plan to have a quiet time in their rooms in our schedule to give me this time. Then I work at swagbucks, sometimes a survey which I get paid for,  do online shopping,  emails, messages, blogging, etc. It usually includes tea and a snack.
Once the kids are in bed at 7:30, and we've tidied up, I either take a walk, usually scroll through facebook and my blog feed. If I didn't get my Bible reading done in the morning it usually happens now. About 8:30-9:00, once Hunter is down, is my time with John. We usually watch something and talk, often have a glass of wine.With the summer schedule and it being a little later before Hunter is down I'm hoping to maybe add some reading from a book during this time.
I should also mention that John watches the kids for about 2 hours every Saturdy morning so I can run errands!
It's not perfect of course, and every day doesn't look like this, but that is the goal I am working towards. I know in some ways things will be easier once Luke is completely weaned, and once the kids are able to go play in the playroom or the backyard by themselves. I look forward to that, but I also don't want to rush away my baby days.....

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