
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

August books, thoughts, verses, and quotes

Yesterday I was dealing with another bad migraine, and I thought about how in #hindsfeetonhighplaces, the Shepherd chooses Sorrow and Suffering to be Much Afraid's companions on her journey. About how she originally fought that decision, but ultimately realized that the Shepherd knew best what she needed to make it to the high places, and said, “Do I wish to turn back? O Shepherd, to whom should I go? In all the world I have no one but you. Help me to follow you, even though it seems impossible. Help me to trust you as much as I long to love you.”
I thought that this was a good reminder that#theLordwillgivewhatisgood no matter what kind of difficulty we are experiencing. Not just migraines! 

We watched all through season 4 of this this summer and now I am reading the books. Ross drives me crazy, but it is entertaining.

Psalters everywhere.

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