
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Church with kids.....

This is so funny...and has a good reminder at the end

Do any of you remember going to church as a Non-Mom? I do. Since I am a huge nerd, going to church as a Single Woman was actually one of the big highlights in my former life. I looked incredibly put-together and well-rested. As I should,…

Adri shared this on family talk this morning and it got a lot of fun comments and laughs, but in some ways it is so very true. I'm a bit more organized in that I have the diaper bag packed and clothes laid out on Saturday night, and we are never late for church (because being late majorly stresses me out), and our kids aren't eating in church (except for a nursing baby), but yes, pretty accurate.
Oh my, church with the two littles was plain old hard. Then add in that we were just watching a live stream, no live church, I didn't have fellowship at church, and it seemed  I never really heard a sermon, and when I did hear bits and pieces I was so distracted by little ones needs that I hardly was able to focus. Add in postpartum depression and it was a hard time.
It's a lot better these days! We're in a real church with real people, we don't have a little one that needs a morning nap, or needs to nurse during church. We're still working at sitting still, but it is very rare that we ever need to take a child out anymore. I get to hear and follow a whole sermon and can actually enjoy church services again. So if the Lord gives us another baby I'll have to read this again and remind myself that it does get better with time.....And for now I'll give thanks that the Lord has answered so many prayers in that we have church, we took communion on Sunday, the Lord has given us a desire to bring our children to church even if it is hard.
He has answered a LOT of prayers.

But this, this is hilarious because I have been there so many times!

"Usually though, there are 74,569 things to do before church, and someone has grown three shoe sizes since last Sunday,......

To top if off, Little Sunshine is ready for his/her nap at 9:50, but that’s unfortunate, because he/she should actually be getting strapped into the carseat at 10:00. So that’s fun.
On the way to church, one or all of three things will happen.
  1. Someone will kick the back of your seat incessantly.
  2. You will remember you forgot something really important at home.
  3. There may or may not be a tense/masked “discussion” between you and your husband about Something Unpleasant, which you will pretend did not happen."
And this, this is true and why we keep pressing on!

Here is the truth about kids and church.

  1. Yes, it is very hard. And no, there’s nothing wrong with you. I’d bet EVERY SINGLE MOM IN THE PLANET who attempted to bring children to worship has felt overwhelmed, embarrassed, exasperated, and fruitless. It just is very hard to get ready, to keep everyone behaved, and through some miracle, to learn something in the process. You are not alone.
  2. It is not pointless, even if it feels like a waste of everyone’s time. It Is Not A Waste. And here is why: It is fruitful because I am obeying God’s commands to honor the Sabbath, to keep on meeting together and not give up. And I am modeling this to my children. 
As it turns out, my ability to “do” church well hasn’t changed one iota from when I was an undistracted single girl taking meticulous notes.

Because, going to church isn’t about us. And it never was.

Let me say that another way. Even if there is nothing *enjoyable* or *productive* about church anymore, it doesn’t matter one speck. We don’t do church to feel more relaxed, or to meet a special someone, or to feel holier, or more peaceful.
We go to church to show honor to God, and to obey Him, and to teach our children to do the same.
Mama who feels overwhelmed at church, I feel you. In your sweaty wrangling of overtired toddlers, in your plucking of Cheerios from church cushions – in your jamming people in carseats and Sunday shoes –  may you offer it all up as Worship to your Father. 
And may you not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~ Galations 6:9

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