
Monday, June 20, 2016

Caroline said

Me, "Caroline, what would you like for breakfast this morning?"
Caroline thinks a minute, "I know! A cup of coffee!"
Me, "Absolutely not."
Caroline, "Well.......I know, how about a beer?"
Me, "What?!!! Absolutely not!"
We settled on a bowl of cereal, and for the record none of us consume alcoholic beverages for breakfast! Especially not the children, lol.
Life is never boring around here.

Me, "Caroline, I just ordered Dukie's birthday present and you all are really going to like it!"
(side note, I feel very organized having his present already, but I found a great sale on amazon and took advantage of it.)
Caroline, "Can I play with it too?"
Me, "Yes, of course. You all will share."
Caroline, "I like sharing. Can I have the first turn?"
Me, just shakes my head......

"Whatever you say, deard."
Haha, John and I say this jokingly to each other pretty often and Caroline thinks it is hilarious to say it too. For some reason she adds the D on which makes it even funnier.

While playing outside in the pool, "Mama, can we turn the air on out here? I like to be colder."

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