
Monday, April 1, 2019

Books and thoughts.

🎶My cup overflows and I'm graciously fed.🎶

Hannah part 1
"Her countenance was no more sad, she had by prayer committed her case to God and left it with him, and now she was no more perplexed about it. She believed that God would either give her the mercy she had prayed for or make up the want of it to her some other way." #matthewhenryquote 

Hannah part 2
"At length the Lord remembered Hannah, the very thing she desired (1 Samuel 1:11), and more she needed not desire, that was enough, for then she conceived and bore a son. Though God seem long to forget his people's burdens, troubles, cares, and prayers, yet he will at length make it to appear that they are not out of his mind."

Hannah part 3.
"This son the mother called Samuel.....she designed by it to perpetuate the remembrance of God's favour to her in answering her prayers. Thus she designed, upon every mention of his name, to take the comfort to herself and to give God the glory of that gracious condescension. Note, Mercies in answer to prayer are to be remembered with peculiar expressions of thankfulness."

Hannah part 4
"Note, Little children should learn betimes to worship God. Their parents should instruct them in his worship and bring them to it, put them upon engaging in it as well as they can, and God will graciously accept them and teach them to do better."

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