
Monday, February 11, 2019

Saying I'm sorry

Saying I'm sorry is the first step, 
then how can I help?

Please be willing to say you are sorry. 
If you mess up, admit it and apologize. 
If you realize you inconvenienced someone - apologize.
If someone tells you that you hurt them, 
Don't make a joke out of it.
Don't put the blame on someone else.
Don't belittle the person who is hurting to make yourself feel better.
Simply apologize. 
These are things I'm teaching Caroline and Luke, but out in the world I'm appalled by how few people are willing to admit wrongdoing and apologize. 
We're all sinners here.
We all mess up.
But I know speaking for myself I have far more respect for the person who can humbly say, "I'm sorry."

On the topic, I'm so grateful to say that lately Caroline has been seeking out people she sinned against and apologizing all on her own. It's so encouraging to see her do this!

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