Today I am thankful for the blessing of five years of marriage to John!
Those of you who were my Facebook friends five years ago know that I was pretty into keeping track of just how long it was till John and I would see each other again, and then once we were engaged, how long it was till our wedding. So on our fifth anniversary I had to share this 😍😃💏. I'm so thankful for these years, months, weeks, days, minutes, and seconds together! |
Dressed up for a date. I'm wearing my wedding day bracelet, and wedding dress necklace, |
All ready to go out! |
We did some van window shopping. |
And went to an awesome candy store that had so many yummy free samples. John got me some amazing turtle fudge, plus we got some seconds to share, and... |
....this to stash for the Duke's birthday! |
Yes, we did look at guns....for a few minutes. |
We requested the KJV booth 😅😃🤣 |
The looks I get when I try to tell John what he should order, lol 😅. |
We shared a HUGE steak....and brought home enough for the next night's dinner, lol.
Our selfie skills seem to be lacking! |
To end with - some of my favorite Matthew Henry quotes that we used in our wedding program five years ago -
"That the woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.
"Providence sometimes wonderfully directs those that by faith and prayer seek direction from heaven in the choice of suitable yoke-fellows: happy marriages those are likely to be that are made in the fear of God; and these, we are sure, are made in heaven.
"This is now bone of my bone. Now I have what I wanted....a help meet for me." God's gifts to us are to be received with a humble thankful acknowledgment of his wisdom in suiting them to us, and his favor in bestowing them on us"
"God, as her Father, brought the woman to the man, as his second self, and a help-meet for him. When he had made her, he did not leave her to her own disposal; no, she was his child, and she must not marry without his consent. Those are likely to settle to their comfort who by faith and prayer, and a humble dependence upon providence, put themselves under a divine conduct. That wife that is of God's making by special grace, and of God's bringing by special providence, is likely to prove a help-meet for a man."
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