My baby is turning into a big boy, though he still assures me that he is Mama's baby :-). Luke talks so well now, in sentences, although some of his words are hard to tell apart. This month we completely gave up the morning nap, and even a morning quiet time, so have been playing around with the morning schedule trying to see what works, and the best way to get everything done. We also dropped his morning nursing session at the same time. We still have crib time while mom showers, and then they play/help me with morning work. After lunch I play with them till nap time, either outside, or in the playroom, and sometimes we do a playing bath. Afternoons vary depending on how long naps are, what time Daddy gets home, whether Hunter needs to be picked up, etc. After dinner is family worship, then family time, usually play outside. Sometimes we go to the library or park. At 7ish Dukie has his "muk", aka he nurses! Then he always asks to "guggle" (snuggle) so we rock and snuggle for awhile before he goes down to bed. Caroline gets her screen time while we do that so everyone is happy :-)
Luke is starting to show that he pays attention when we teach manners. That is always encouraging!
Last night at dinner Caroline announced she needed more drink.
John said, "You need what?" waiting for her to add on the word please.
Luke pipes up, "More drink please!" to remind her, lol.
Then Luke asked me to clip a fingernail. After I did it, he said, "Thank you, Mama!" with no prompting.
Luke is 20 months old now! I tried, but I couldn't get him to smile for me. |
He likes this car his uncle Caleb made for him! |